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Taco History Timeline

1920, Elwood White purchases the Thermal Appliance Company (T.A.CO.) in Elizabeth, New Jersey

Taco moves manufacturing to Providence, Rhode Island

1926, Water heater innovation begins with the introduction of the Taco Heater.

1928, The company name changes from Thermal Appliance Company to Taco Heaters, Incorporated

1929, Taco develops the tankless water heater and tempering valve to mix hot and cold water


Early 1930's, Taco Heaters of Canada, Limited is formed

Mid 1930's, "Taco Heaters" became a widely recognized name in the US heater market

1936, John H. White Sr. joins the company


1942, Elwood White dies, John Hazen White becomes President of Taco Heaters, Inc

1942, During World War II, Taco starts building gun mounts for Navy fighter planes

1945, Taco awarded Army-Navy "E" Award for Excellence in manufacturing for reducing costs of gun mounts by 50%


1953, John Hazen White purchases the United Trolley Company trolley barn in Cranston, RI, which becomes the Taco Cranston Facility

1958, Taco is the first to produce the wet rotor circulator into the US market with the launch of "Perfecta", the precursor to the legendary 007



1961, John Hazen White opens Taco Heizungen AG in Zurich, a European trading company for Taco, Inc, which is later sold off and becomes Taconova

1963, The company name changes from Taco Heaters Incorporated to Taco, Inc

Taco introduces the 1600 Series in-line pump with innovative cartridge design, simplifying field maintenance and distributor stocking



1974, Taco introduces the 007 wet rotor circulator – the ceramic hollow shaft and dirt barrier greatly extends product life and propels Taco into the market leader position


John Hazen White, Jr. joins the business

Taco expands its line of commercial pumps through an alliance with SPP and KBL

1983, Taco purchases the Fall River, MA facility, greatly expanding the company's fabricated products capabilities, including expansion tanks and heat exchangers



1992, Taco opens the Taco Learning Center, providing education and training for employees, Taco Reps, and Customer

1997, With the acquisition of Sweet Controls, Taco broadens its electronic control product portfolio

1997, John Hazen White, Jr. beomes President and CEO of Taco, Inc.



2001, John Hazen White dies in March 2001

—Taco's innovative LoadMatch® single pipe system goes to market

—Taco launches the Taco Zone Sentry®, the most enrgy efficient zone valve on the market



Representing the fourth generation of the White Family, John White III and Ben White join the business

2012, Taco opens new Innovation & Development Center, a LEED Gold state-of-the-art learning and training environment

2012, Taco acquires Hydroflo Pumps and Precision Investment Foundry Asia (PIFA)

2015, Taco acquires Askoll Sei, an early pioneer of high-efficiency ECM pump technology in Europe

—Taco, Inc. is rebranded as Taco Comfort Solutions, better reflecting the company's high-efficiency products and system solutions

2016, Taco wins its second "E" Award from the US Department of Commerce, one of only a few companies to have achieved this honor

2016, The 007e high-efficiency ECM circulator is launched—Taco quickly becomes the leader in the North American ECM circulator market

2017, Taconova, the company started by John Hazen White in the 1960's, is acquired and brought back into the Taco Family

2019, Cheryl Merchant is named President of Taco Family of Companies

2020, Cheryl Merchant is named CEO of Taco Family of Companies

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